Home » Challenge Grants


The Friends of the North Carolina Public Library (FONCPL) will award Challenge Grants of up to $250. FONCPL reserves the right to determine the number of these grants to be awarded in a calendar year.

These grants are awarded to FONCPL member groups current on their FONCPL dues.  Priority is given to a Friends group that has not received a Challenge Grant award previously.  Groups that receive Challenge Grants are ineligible to receive another for a period of three years.

Up to $250 may be requested for any project or program that aligns with the mission and purpose of the Friends group and which directly benefit the Friends. Award funding may not be used to purchase goods or services for the library or library system.

Challenge Grant Program Timetable
Deadline for Applications:                  September 15th current year
Grants Awarded:                                 By October 31st current year
Project Completed:                             By June 30th following year
Evaluation Deadline:                           By August 31st following year

Grant Award Evaluation Criteria
Criteria on which grant applications will be evaluated include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Innovative and creative project or program proposal
  • Potential for achieving objectives
  • Quality of the application (planning, conciseness, financial soundness, and clarity)

Grant Application Award Process
Members of the Board of FONCLP will review, evaluate and make funding decisions.

Evaluation/Reporting Requirements
FONCPL wants to determine how funded projects meet objectives, what problems were experienced and overcome, and what was learned from the project. Such information will help FONCPL adapt and apply the experience of grant recipients to other Friends groups around the state. Grant recipients are asked to submit a report form no later than August 31st of the following year. We encourage photos. Materials and any media release on the project or program should include the notice: “Funded in part by a grant from Friends of the North Carolina Public Libraries.”

Information from your report may be used on the FONCPL website, annual report and/or newsletter.

Please complete the Challenge Grant application form and email copy of application, cover letter and any supporting documentation as an attachment to: Tess Thais at tessthais88@gmail.com

Email Tess Thais at tessthais88@gmail.com

Click here for application
Challenge Grant Application rev May 2024 fillable pdf


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