Managing Friends
- Friends of the Libraries (Wikipedia)
- United for Libraries—Resources for Friends groups
- What Friends Do
- Ideas for Friends
- 101+ Great Ideas for Libraries and Friends
- YouTube Videos for nonprofits
- Free Management Library
- Friends, Trustees, & Volunteer
- Reporting censorship online
- Nonprofit uses of online community (social media, websites, etc.)
- Nonprofit Scams to Avoid
- Email scams
- Ed2Go programs—enroll through your local community college—grant writing & nonprofit management
- Blue Avocado—Practical, Provocative,
- Press Release—how to and templates
- Media Kit—how to create
- 10 Tips for better nonprofit photos
- Your Nonprofit Deserves Great Photography
- Seven Creative Ways to Celebrate the People Behind Your Nonprofit
- How to Plan your Nonprofit’s Anniversary Campaign
- Financial Transparency and Public Disclosure Requirements
- Directors & Officers Insurance
- Property, Liability, Casualty Insurance
- 6 Things Non-profits need to know about event insurance
- NC General Statutes 1-539.10 Immunity from civil liability for volunteers
- NC General Statutes 55A-8-60 Immunity
- NC Nonprofit Risk Center D&O primer
- Immunity, Indemnification, and Insurance for Nonprofit Directors (attorney article--NC)
- Nonprofit Risk Management Resource Library
- Risk Management: A Template for Nonprofit Boards
- Nonprofit risk management center: - Data Privacy and Cyber Liability: - Fraud Risk: - Achieving Fiscal Fitness: - CEO succession plan: - Background checks, screening & your nonprofit: - NC Center for Nonprofits---A primer on Risk Management
The links were last checked in January 2023. Please email the FONCPL webmaster to report any broken links or any additional resources you recommend.